Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thing #3

I think one of the main reasons I would use a blog in my future classroom is for class-related information. For example class schedules so that the parents know what we're doing, and calendars so that they know when we are doing particular activities. You can also use the calendar for important dates. I could also post the child's homework on the blog just in case they forget to write it down or or leave their study buddy at school.

A more interactive way I could use a blog in the classroom would be for discussion questions. Students have a lot to say and sometimes there isn't enough time to get to every child during class. With a blog the student can fully express their feelings on the the topic at hand. Another way to use a blog in the class would be for daily/weekly journal entries. The students could write about something as simple as how their day/week was. Or it could be a little more complex, and you could have the students make up a story. Just something that would get the students writing and thinking "out of the box". One way that is truly interactive is to have a class blog, and link with other classes. These classes could be down the hall, in a different county, state, or country. The students could get a glimpse of how other students around the world learn, and in turn it benefits them because they may learn something they didn't know.

Thing #2

My posting name is simply my name, there was no real thought into what the posting name would be. My blog name on the other hand is just the first letter of my first name and my last name. the numbers that follow correspond to the instructional technology class I am currently enrolled in.

My experience in creating the blog was relatively easy. Like I said in thing #1, I already have a personal blog, so I've known how to post blogs for quite some time now.

My avatar reflects my personality because I usually always wear my hair up, and I like to smile. My avatar looks as close to me and I could possibly make it. I wear glasses, I like the motorcycle bike style of the jacket my avatar is wearing, and the shoes show my favorite color, which is blue. I wanted my avatar to be a reflection of me. I don't want it to represent someone I'm not.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thing #1

The lifelong learning habits that I personally found the easiest were habit 7 1/2 (Play!), habit 6 (Use technology to your advantage), habit 3 (View problems as challenges), and habit 5 (Create your own learning toolbox). I found habit 7 1/2 the easiest because it is really easy for me to play around and just have a good time, it just comes naturally. Habit 6 would probably tie with habit 7 1/2 because I love technology just as much as I love to have a good time. Learning new things about technology has always been interesting to me. So, if it interests me and it can benefit me I'll use it to my advantage. Habit 3 is the next easiest learning habit for me because anytime I have a problem it usually automatically turns into a challenge anyway.  The last habit that I found easy was habit 5. Knowing that I learn different that someone else pushes me to find my style of learning instead of trying to go off of the way someone else learns. It's good to find your learning style because then you'll always know what works for you, and you always benefit from it.

The lifelong learning habits that I found the hardest were habit 7 (Teach/mentor others), habit 4 (Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner), habit 1 (Begin with the end in mind), and habit 2 (accept responsibility for your own learning). Habit 7 is the hardest for me because I have always had a hard time trying to teach someone something. If they already know the material and I am just helping them out with it then that's a lot easier for me. Habit 4 would have to be a tie with habit 7. It's hard for me to think of myself as being a competent, effective learner simply because of the anxiety I get when walking into a new learning situation. The last two habits are hard for me, but not as hard as 7 and 4. I say that habit 1 is hard for me because whenever I do something I don't like to think of the end product. I like doing things one step at a time, and being surprised by my end product. The final habit, habit 2, is slightly easier than the other three habits. I say this because I am the only one who can take responsibility for my education. Although, I can sometimes blame the fact that I'm not learning on others. Which in turn isn't right because I'm the only person who can stop myself from learning.

I actually don't know what I want to learn by playing with Web 2.0 tools. You would think someone who loves technology would know just about everything there is to know. But I know that's not true, so I'm excited to see what new things I learn. My experience in setting up my blog was nothing new, and it was really simple. This is only because I already have a personal blog set up and I messed with that for hours before I figured it out. Once I got into the swing of things it was relatively simple.