Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thing #3

I think one of the main reasons I would use a blog in my future classroom is for class-related information. For example class schedules so that the parents know what we're doing, and calendars so that they know when we are doing particular activities. You can also use the calendar for important dates. I could also post the child's homework on the blog just in case they forget to write it down or or leave their study buddy at school.

A more interactive way I could use a blog in the classroom would be for discussion questions. Students have a lot to say and sometimes there isn't enough time to get to every child during class. With a blog the student can fully express their feelings on the the topic at hand. Another way to use a blog in the class would be for daily/weekly journal entries. The students could write about something as simple as how their day/week was. Or it could be a little more complex, and you could have the students make up a story. Just something that would get the students writing and thinking "out of the box". One way that is truly interactive is to have a class blog, and link with other classes. These classes could be down the hall, in a different county, state, or country. The students could get a glimpse of how other students around the world learn, and in turn it benefits them because they may learn something they didn't know.


  1. Those are all great ideas that I had not even thought of. I like the concept of putting calendars on your blog and posting discussion questions to get your students to be thinking and sharing outside the class, especially when they all did not get the chance to speak in class. That last idea I find the most intriguing: being interactive with other classes in other states and countries. It had not crossed my mind the international implications of a blog and how that can foster learning about other cultures and places. I will definitely remember that and I am glad I came accross your post here.

  2. I could definitely see using it for discussion questions, depending on the age group you are teaching. I, for example, plan to teach 2nd grade so a blog may be more effective for parents than students, but if you are teaching middle or high school it would definitely be a great way to get the kids involved besides just the ho hum raise your hand and answer technique.

  3. I think it's a great idea to post calenders and discussion questions on your blog. I think it's great to have students write journals on their blogs. I didn't even think about students learning how others students that live in different countries and states learn and how it is different from the way they learn. I think that is a great idea.

  4. Having a blog is definitely a very useful tool. I agree with you, sometimes getting to all students is very difficult, because time runs out very quickly. Staying in touch with parents is a great way to get the parents involved in their kids education. However, I think that keeping up with the blog on a regular basis is a bit challenging for at least. I would have reaaly put an effort to check it on a regular basis. I think I would mostly use it for myself though, just to get ideas from other teachers and get their insight on some of the things that I come uo with.I enjoyed readin your blog.

  5. Hi, I agree with you completely blogs are very useful. Your discussion question and calender idea are ones that I might consider for myself.
