Monday, October 8, 2012

Thing #12

For this "thing" I decided to explore Google Alerts and Google Translate. For Google Alerts you just type in key words or phrases for what you want alerts on. For mine, I chose to look up the last place I lived, which was Bamberg, Germany. So, now I'm getting alerts once a day about what is going on in Bamberg. This is just something I did to keep up with some personal things and people who still live in Germany. I can also look at how much Bamberg has changed since I left in 2009. For Google Translate, it was really easy to explore because it is something I use everyday just for the fun of it. All you do is type in something in a language you know, and translate it into something you want to know. So, I wrote in English, "Hello, my name is Danielle Witter" and I then translated it to Korean. I may not be able to read it but it said, "안녕하세요, 제 이름은 다니엘 Witter입니다" The only thing I can recognize is my last name, but it was still pretty fun to mess around with. Some of the educational uses would be with Google Translate. If you were reading something in a book and it was in a different language, you could go to Google Translate to figure out what the book is trying to say.

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